Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Important Rules To Stay Safe

 In my new book The Girls Vanished AKA Oak Horse Ranch Mystery after two girls disappear walking home from school, Lt. Adams talks of the California Police Department talks to The Middle School about simple rules to follow so students won’t get hurt or kidnapped. These are the rules. Please follow the rules:

                                                                                                                              i.    Never talk to strangers.  Let’s hear it.”
                                                                                                                          ii.    Never talk to strangers,” they repeated.
                                                                                                          i.    “Never take cigarettes, drugs, gum, candy or anything, from a stranger. Let’s hear it.”
                                                      iii.    “Never take cigarettes, drugs, gum, candy or anything from a stranger.” They repeated.

                                       iv.    Never listen to a stranger ask you if you want a dog or a cat.  Let’s hear it.”
                                                    v.    “Never listen to a stranger ask you if you want a dog or a cat.”  They repeated.

                                      vi.    If something happens to scare you, scream and run to the nearest cop or adult. Let’s hear it.”

                                                vii.    “If something happens that scares you, scream and run to the nearest cop or adult.”  They repeated.
                                                                                                                viii.    Never ride with a stranger.  Let’s hear it.”
                                                                                                         ix.    “Never ride with a stranger.” They repeated.

Computer Safety

a. Be very cautious when you are chatting online in the chat rooms. You never know who is on the other end of the computer. You could think it’s somebody your own age and it could very well be an older person who does not have your safety in mind.

b.   Do not set up a visit to that person unless you tell your parents about this meeting first.

c.   If you still insist on going to meet this person.  Take a friend or two with you. Never go alone.
He had the students repeat the rules after he said them and then they were given a hard copy in case they forgot.  

Copyright Linda Meckler 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Re-cycle Cartons At the Check Out Stands

Re-cycle Cartons At the Check Out Stands

California now has the nation’s first statewide ban on single-use plastic bags. The restrictions apply to large food retailers, pharmacies, corner markets and liquor stores but not restaurants or department stores.
Don’t use plastic bags. Use cloth bags which we have to purchase. We have to carry around bags all the time. Yes, it is wonderful that we are not using as many plastic or paper bags as before but think about this.

          Now garbage bags need to be purchased.

If you don’t have a bag after spending money in a store you have to pay for it to cart your product away.

Plastic bags which were used for many uses in the home need to be purchased.

Where are we saving using plastic bags?

What happens to the cartons items are packaged in for any store? Why can’t the stores instead of destroying these cartons which are made from trees use these same cartons and recycle them for the consumers to use.

Some stores are doing this now. Why can’t all the stores use these carton's which could easily be reused be used by the consumer?

This would definitely have a huge impact on the recycling or waste of paper products.

What do you think?

Linda Meckler, author copyright 2017

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

When you can't cry

How do you become emotionally frozen? When all your feelings and emotions are trapped deep, down inside and act as one big pain in your body? Crying acts as a release for these emotions but when you can't cry your body cries out for release.

In some ways, it is one of the most painful thing anyone can live through. To go through your days and nights with all this pain trapped deep down inside. When a loved one dies and you can't get the emotion's out.

Of course, the emotion has to come out in some way, maybe in headaches, pain in various parts of your body or in dizziness. 

The worst part is anxiety. You feel and appear anxious and when you get nervous or stressed the anxiety becomes unbearable. It takes over your mind and body and soon you can't function.

Sleeping is a thing of the past. Your mind runs and runs, and do you really remember what you were thinking about all those hours when you should have been sleeping?

The next step is seeing a Psychiatrist and taking anxiety medication which may or may not work. The side effects, if you read the papers which come along with each prescription bottle are pages long. You can't win for losing.

What can you do when this happens to you?
  Sports where you are moving your body is good.

   Swimming is fabulous it really works your entire body including your mind.

   Water aerobics is a little different from swimming. It tones your body into a sculptured piece of Water aerobics is a little different from swimming. It tones your body into a sculptured piece of art.

  Walking by yourself or with a friend is also very therapeutic.

    Paint a room in your house. Make it colorful. You will get physical exercise and boost your self-esteem.

     Take your dog for a walk. Stop and talk to neighbors. You  might meet neighbors who have lived in your neighborhood for  years and never met before.

     Talk to a therapist.

     Join a support group.

    Paint a picture.


    Grab your camera and start shooting pictures.

    Write about it. You do not need to share it with anybody just for yourself.

    Deep breathing. It really helps calm you down.

    The object is to keep your mind and body busy so you won't think of all the pain trapped in your body. Someday something might happen out of the blue that you see or read and the water works will start.

.   Release all the emotions trapped in your body will come tumbling out. But until that happens try the above suggestions or add your own.

    Everybody has some kind of hobby or interest. Get lost in yours.

 Linda Meckler, author updated 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017

Speaking At A Funeral

When asked to speak at the funeral of a loved one or a friend, you are choked with emotion. you are not thinking straight. The funeral must go on. Where ever the service is conducted at the church or temple or at the gravesite. The gathering of family and friends with the casket or the urn in plain sight is a shock to your nervous system. You might not be able to stand up and speak while the service is conducted. But somewhere deep down out of the love for the deceased the words will flow.

If you are going to read a verse from the Bible, choose one that is close to your heart and describes your relationship with the deceased.

If you can manage to write down your thoughts and feelings you can read them and it will be the easiest way for you to be able to speak in front of a group of people.

Now you are up at the podium. You break out in a sweat. Your heart starts beating faster and faster. Everyone in the audience is straining to hear your words but you haven't uttered a sound.

Somewhere deep from inside of your body, you hear a small voice starting to speak about the person who now is no longer. Your voice gets stronger as you tell a particular story which was a special time between you and the deceased. The tears flow freely as you speak words from your heart and emotions.

You now wipe your streaming eyes and nose and walk slowly back to your seat. You suddenly feel a release. You feel you are now free to start the grieving and sometime in the future the recovery of your emotions and feelings of this precious person who is no longer among the living.

Linda E. Meckler, author copyright 2011 updated 2017

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Why is Part B Medicare Important

What is part B Medicare? It is simply the outpatient portion of your Medicare health insurance.

Medicare Part A is inpatient and for most people when you turn 65 or your targeted retirement age, it is free.

Part B is different and is the most important. Part B is for your doctor's, lab, or x-ray visits. Anything in the medical field that is an outpatient procedure. In other words, it is extremely important.

The government maintains that in order to have this medical service there is a monthly charge of approximately $100.00. This amount varies from year to year. This is a huge chunk of money when it comes to the senior citizen community whose sole financial support is their monthly social security check.

HICAP is a government program set up for senior citizens who are low income. It is calculated by the Net Income per month for a single person or for a married couple. It can be obtained by calling 1-800-434-0222. When you call this telephone number you will then give them your income and they will tell you if you qualify. They will then send you out a form to fill out to start the process.

The paperwork, of course, is numerous we are dealing with a government program. It will be well worth it if you qualify and can get the Medicare Part B picked up by this HICAP program. This will mean more money in your pocket for food and other essentials.

This HICAP program also includes Medicare Part D prescription drugs. When you call the telephone listed above, ask about lowering the cost of your prescription drugs. Take advantage of these programs while you can, they can be deleted in the blink of a keystroke.

If the HICAP program is for you, take advantage of it. If you need the help, get the help now. If you can't do this yourself get your family or a friend to help you with this.

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read all my other articles on various subjects.

Linda E. Meckler

Copyright 2011 updated 2017
Article Source:

Friday, June 30, 2017

Why Is Book Formatting Important?

The new word in book publishing is “formatting”. If you are a writer book formatting is one of the most important things you will ever understand. To be able to do it yourself is the challenge.

Have you ever read a book and in the middle of the sentence the rest of the line is dropped and ends up on another line?

Have you ever read a book where the paragraphs are indented and some are not?

Have you ever read a book where the lines run on so long you can’t read the middle of the book without folding it in half?

Margins are a huge part of book formatting. When writing a book you need to find out from the start what size book it is going to be. A 5” x 8”, or 6” x 9”. There are many book sizes which are good for different kinds of books. 

The margins are critical.

When I start a book the first thing I do is adjust the margins to the book size.
 The next thing I do is set up the paragraphing. In this way, the paragraphs are set up automatically as you write.

If you have Microsoft Word you can do all this by using the Change Styles menu or set it up under paragraph. This software is vast and has many different kinds and years. It is confusing.

Try to understand what the word formatting means while you are writing your next book or writing a book now. It makes writing and editing a lot easier.
Linda Meckler, author      copyright 2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Eating Your Feelings

Eating your feelings

When you eat that bowl of ice cream or that chocolate candy you just have to have - or your life will be miserable without it, have you ever stopped to think? Why do I need this food and at this particular time?

Before you take a bite of the food you need to go to the root of the problem. Ask yourself these questions. Am I bored, depressed, unhappy or just plain lonely?

Eating food at all times of the day and night to make you feel better is an easy out. It is our friend. It is something to comfort you in your hour of need. But does it really do this?

All it does is add calories to your bodies which lead to fat and pretty soon your clothes are too small and your health is suffering.

When you make this assumption, are you lonely and depressed, and your life isn't what you want it to be, you can now accept this statement and do something positive to change your life.

Make a plan.

 Think. What can you do before you feel loneliness? For instance, when you feel the urge to eat something just for the sake of eating, go for a walk. Swimming is always good. Any kind of arts and crafts or sports.

Volunteer anywhere. This will open up new avenues for you. You will meet new people. Have some responsibility and learn new things. This is the time to experiment with new kinds of things that you have never tried before.  It will boost your self-esteem.

Remember the new camera you received for Christmas, and you haven't taken out of the box. This is the key to the new you. Take that camera and go on a walk. Start snapping pictures of the sky, flowers and the trees around you. You will be outside, doing something different, and getting fresh air and exercise. Your mental outlook on life will change for the better. You will be smiling from the inside out.

 Linda Meckler Author copyright 2017 updated 

Friday, June 9, 2017

Gluten Food Allergy

Food Allergies – Gluten – Celiac

Gluten - Celiac Disease this a wheat allergy which children and adults are now experiencing in large numbers. Wheat is now in most packaged foods sold in the markets today. A special diet is required. Read and educate yourself on different food allergies and how you can protect yourself and your family. Today food packing in some instances will actually read Gluten Free on the label of the bottle or box. But it is best to cook your own food. In this way, you will know what it is you are eating. Even it the label states Gluten Free it might still upset your stomach.

Food Preparation

For people who have this food allergy the preparation of the food is also important. When in a restaurant it can be a terrifying experience for the person with food allergies. The bottom line is you don't want to get sick. 

Food Contamination

Contamination of the food from using utensils and plates from food which has wheat or a wheat form in it will also cause the symptoms listed below:


Stomach cramping
Irritation of the mouth/throat
Nasal congestion
Eye irritation
Difficulty Breathing

It seems I know more and more people with food allergies. I think, we must wonder about mass food production. Is it really good for us?

Let me hear from, you and your horror stories about eating in a restaurant, a friends house or where ever. We are always eating.

Linda Meckler, author updated copyright 2017

I can't control what I eat. Can you

As an adult, I find it hard to control what I eat and exercising goes along with this. I don't exercise enough.

I recently attended a wonderful dinner at a friend’s house. The menu was not what I ordinarily eat because of the content of the ingredients.

But I was with friends. We were all sitting around the table laughing and talking and enjoying each other’s company; consequently, I ate too much of the wrong food.


Our children are put into this situation every day. They have less control over what they eat and we are the mature adult.

Simple things to remember:

Think before you eat.
Think what you are eating?
Who made this food?
Eat small portions.
Eat small portions every 2 – 3 hours.
When eating hamburgers, French fries, and coke. (Small size)
Start cooking our own meals.

What Do We Do?

If there was an easy answer to this question I would be a millionaire. We need to stand back and take a look at this problem from an adult and child’s perspective and then make changes.


The schools are where our children daily are consuming their meals, sometimes breakfast and definitely lunch. The food choices available are all the child can choose from unless they bring boxed lunches.

Maybe that is what is needed. Maybe all children should start bringing their own lunches to school and the parents can send a message to the school cafeteria “Stop Poisoning Our Children.”

 These children are our own flesh and blood. They are precious to us and we could not live without them.
 Why is it so hard for you to understand good nutrition makes healthier minds and bodies?

We must take precious time off our employment for our children’s medical care. We do not mind doing this when the problem is real, but if it can be avoided let’s remove it before it takes root.

 You are creating massive medical and dental problems from which the snowballing effect is now being felt. Obese children and adults is almost the normal thing we see on a daily basis.

Let me hear from you and what you think about this overwhelming problem from both an adult and child's perspective and include any recipes or exercises you wish to share. 

Linda Meckler, author updated copyright 2017

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Pet Behavior Can Be Mirrored In Children

Children and Pets

Why do your children act up in the negative?
How can you change their behavior for the positive?
Have you ever studied your pet’s behavior?

Why does a child create havoc over something simple?
The answer is simple. The child wants attention.

I recently have been dog and cat sitting my sister's pets. She had been away from home on various business trips. I have been around her pets for years. She was always there for her pets in the past. She received love and affection from them without asking for anything in return. They were her pets and they loved to be with her and their behavior was typical.

What hit me right between the eyes was her animal's behavior after she had been gone for a length of time.

When I walked into the backyard her dog came zooming over to me from whatever part of the large yard she happened to be in. I would pet her, I would feed her. I found out the most astonishing thing.

She was more interested in me petting her and talking to her then she was interested in eating.

Even her cat which had always been independent and never really cared for affection or attention of any kind from humans was there to receive his share of petting.

When petting one animal the other was their sticking in his/her noise and wanting as much affection and attention as the other one.
This simple logic applies to your children. And you

Children want to feel love by receiving attention, affection and to be able to feel safe with their parents. That is the simple answer. Without it, your children will be miserable, make your lives miserable and their school will not be happy either.

Yes, when you come home from work you are stressed and exhausted. 
Yes, you do not have the time to really make your time special with each individual child.
When you walk in the door - stop - smile at them – give them a hug and tell them you loved and missed them all day.
 They will probably come running when they hear you walk in the door.
If they are older - plugged into the television - computer - video games - make the effort to walk over to them - give them a big hug.
 Tell your children you love them and missed them during the day. Ask them how their day went. See if that will help turn their negative behavior into positive behavior.
You can always make a special time for your children each week. This will be your special time together. This will be something you and your children can look forward to. Another suggestion is read to your children at bedtime. Your children are only small for a short time.

Cuddling, snuggling, hugging and kissing is a good thing. It can lead to positive behavior.

If you want to make your spouse smile, your children feel loved and cherished try hugging and kissing.

Why live your life without attention/affection and love. If it needs to be changed, change it. It just takes a touch, a hug or kiss to change your life.

Linda Meckler, author copyright updated 2017

Hug Your Loved Ones

Do you like to be hugged? Do you hug your children? Do you hug your spouse? Do you hug your parents? Do you hug your dog? Do you hug your friends?
Hugging your children is something that is so simple it can easily be missed. Your children will love it. Of course, when they start getting older and hugging them in front of their friends is a definite No - No.
Hugging your children in the privacy of their own home is a different story. Every person loves to be hugged. It makes them feel special. Their self-esteem will soar.

Why is it so hard to hug your loved ones?

The days of not showing your family affection are long over. In the broken family unit when one parent is raising the children alone - and the children are in mass confusion - why can't a hug become as simple as brushing your teeth?
When was the last time you hugged your parents? You can be young or you can be middle aged or just plain elderly. You can still hug and be hugged.
Hugging between married couples is sometimes forgotten. A woman likes to cuddle and be hugged. When her spouse understands this their relationship will be smoother, much more romantic and happy.
We need more hugging and affection in this world today. We definitely need less violence and wars.
Hug your loved ones. Make it a task to hug your extended family, Make it a task to hug your friends. A hug goes a long way. 
Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug
Linda Meckler, Author copyright updated 2017

Starved for Affection and Attention

I wrote this book when I hadn’t seen
a very close friend named Karen for about ten years. Karen and her husband Donald have been married for over 40 years, came to visit for a week. I noticed immediately they didn’t touch, kiss, or show any kind of affection to each other. They loved each other but the affection was not there.
I thought to myself, “Here are my dear, dear friends who are still married to each other which is a miracle in itself since divorce is so popular today.” I wanted to try and do something for them not only to help their marriage but to help themselves be happier. They didn’t know that life could become so much better, softer, and loving.
Here is what I did. I took it upon myself to approach Donald with a few suggestions. I have never done anything like this before and I was nervous. I could lose my friends.
 I should never have approached him on such a serious subject while he was in the middle of listening to his favorite baseball game. I wanted to catch them apart where Karen couldn’t hear my conversation.
It was hard saying what I had to say but I finally said it. I suggested he hug, kiss, touch, cuddle and hold his wife’s hand. Put a little romance back into their life.
Donald looked at me and said, “Don’t worry about my sex life. It’s just fine.”
I said, “I’m not talking about your sex life I’m talking about your life. I left him to mull over what I had said and I went for a walk with Karen.
When we came back from our walk Donald amazed me and Karen by walking up to her and giving her a hug and kiss.

He listened to me. He really had listened to me. He got it.

Karen was so amazed she didn’t know what to say. I said, “You can give Donald a hug and kiss back.” She did.
I asked her how she felt and she gave me a big smile. It felt so great. I felt like I had run five miles. After that Donald made it a point to give her a hug and kiss often during the day. You could tell they had both loved it. Attention/Affection to the person you love goes a long way. They say you can live on it? What do you think?

Why was that so hard?

Why the games between couples. You have all heard about the book that says men and women do not think or act the same. This is about the most important thing you can ever learn.

  Let The Games Begin

Women love to be held and snuggled. They love to know they are appreciated and not taken for granted. It’s easy for women to be taken for granted because they are the ones who run the home and everybody in it. Women are the ones that create the sense of happiness and set the pace for the running of your home.
Life is so fast paced that you and your spouse get lost in all the hustle and bustle of everyday living.
Romance and intimacy can sometimes be thrown away for a fast bang, slam thank you, mam, if you ever get a thank you.
Stop! Life does not have to be like this.

What happened to the romance and caring in your relationship?

If you have been married for years and feel like you are being taken for granted; you don’t feel any gentle or soft moments between you, what is the use for staying in the relationship?
Why not try to fix your relationship before you give away all that money to an attorney for a divorce. If you feel you can’t communicate anymore start at the beginning.

 Linda Meckler, Author copyright updated 2017