Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Hug Your Loved Ones

Do you like to be hugged? Do you hug your children? Do you hug your spouse? Do you hug your parents? Do you hug your dog? Do you hug your friends?
Hugging your children is something that is so simple it can easily be missed. Your children will love it. Of course, when they start getting older and hugging them in front of their friends is a definite No - No.
Hugging your children in the privacy of their own home is a different story. Every person loves to be hugged. It makes them feel special. Their self-esteem will soar.

Why is it so hard to hug your loved ones?

The days of not showing your family affection are long over. In the broken family unit when one parent is raising the children alone - and the children are in mass confusion - why can't a hug become as simple as brushing your teeth?
When was the last time you hugged your parents? You can be young or you can be middle aged or just plain elderly. You can still hug and be hugged.
Hugging between married couples is sometimes forgotten. A woman likes to cuddle and be hugged. When her spouse understands this their relationship will be smoother, much more romantic and happy.
We need more hugging and affection in this world today. We definitely need less violence and wars.
Hug your loved ones. Make it a task to hug your extended family, Make it a task to hug your friends. A hug goes a long way. 
Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug, Hug
Linda Meckler, Author copyright updated 2017

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