Friday, June 9, 2017

Gluten Food Allergy

Food Allergies – Gluten – Celiac

Gluten - Celiac Disease this a wheat allergy which children and adults are now experiencing in large numbers. Wheat is now in most packaged foods sold in the markets today. A special diet is required. Read and educate yourself on different food allergies and how you can protect yourself and your family. Today food packing in some instances will actually read Gluten Free on the label of the bottle or box. But it is best to cook your own food. In this way, you will know what it is you are eating. Even it the label states Gluten Free it might still upset your stomach.

Food Preparation

For people who have this food allergy the preparation of the food is also important. When in a restaurant it can be a terrifying experience for the person with food allergies. The bottom line is you don't want to get sick. 

Food Contamination

Contamination of the food from using utensils and plates from food which has wheat or a wheat form in it will also cause the symptoms listed below:


Stomach cramping
Irritation of the mouth/throat
Nasal congestion
Eye irritation
Difficulty Breathing

It seems I know more and more people with food allergies. I think, we must wonder about mass food production. Is it really good for us?

Let me hear from, you and your horror stories about eating in a restaurant, a friends house or where ever. We are always eating.

Linda Meckler, author updated copyright 2017

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