Monday, April 30, 2018

Sleep Apnea

My daughter, Wendy, uses and dental appliance instead of a CPAP Machine and the picture of the dental device is on my book cover.

I wrote an e-book in 2008 and I sold a few books but lately this book is hot and taking off.

I felt now was the time to open it up and bring it up to date. 

The technology has been taking off left and right and my book had been left in the dust.

 I started researching Sleep Apnea and the CPAP Machine and found alternative ways to not need a CPAP Machine.

There are now surgeries being performed all over the United States to free us poor chained people away from the CPAP Machine and to be able to sleep a normal night’s sleep. This book will be available in paperback in a few days. Both the E-book and Paper Back book have several pictures.

In order to find out about this surgery go to and put in the word Sleep Apnea and CPAP Machine. The videos are educational and will give your hope that you can lose the CPAP Machine.

Thank you for reading my article.
Linda Meckler, Author  copyright 2019

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