Monday, April 30, 2018

Nurse Practitioner Are they here to stay

The Nurse Practitioner is in demand to fill the roles of the Family Physician or the Primary Care Physician. In today’s world of spiraling health care costs the Family Practice Physician is almost obsolete. 
There are many reasons for this mainly it is how the income of the Family Physician or the Primary Care Physician has decreased instead of increased over the years. 
This is because of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). This law was signed by President Barrack Obama On March 23, 2010.

 This is a highly controversial law and has caused confusion in the medical field. The (PPACA) was mainly designed for people who were low income and uninsured.
There are approximately 916 million patients combined who have received care from the licensed Nurse Practitioner’s. The patient’s they treat are genuinely satisfied with the care they receive. The Nurse Practitioner can help reduce the cost of medical care in the physician’s office.

With the decrease in the Family Practice Physicians or Primary Care Physicians income there are fewer medical students who wish to go into Family Practice. The medical students want to specialize become Cardiologists, Orthopedic, neurosurgeons, etc. 

The Family Physician is actually on the brink of distinction. This is where the Nurse Practitioner comes in. The Nurse Practitioner can diagnose and treat health problems with the emphasis on preventative health measures.
In order to become a Nurse Practitioner you must be a Registered Nurse first with a master’s degree. A Nurse Practitioner education is rigorous with national certification. They not only treat patients but also are involved in research.
Not only are Nurse Practitioners in demand in Family Practice Medical Offices but in Out Patient Surgery Centers. Within the next the next ten years Nurse Practitioners will be more in demand than ever before. 

The amount of people needing Family Practice Physicians will double and triple since people are now living longer lives and will start needing continuous medical treatment
Nurse Practitioner’s are here to stay and they are needed.
copyright Linda Meckler 2014 updated 2018

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