Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Bored At Home

Winter is here and for those of us who don’t get out of the house as much as we can during the summer are stuck. There are many things you can do to make time pass faster and give your brain a kick start. Television gets boring fast. Movies are good and stimulating.

There are many kinds of puzzles available on the market today. These puzzles start at age 2 and then, of course for adults go from 200 pieces to a 1000+ pieces.
If you have never worked a puzzle start out with the 200 large interlocking pieces. When you have mastered this size, go on to 400 or 500 pieces to 1000 or larger. Just think how your self-esteem will soar when you have accomplished putting larger and larger puzzles together.

Reading a good book or magazine is always a great way to while away the hours. It also is brain food and you are being educated on something. Every book or magazine you read will teach you something you didn’t know. 
You can really get lost on the Internet reading articles and books. Now with E books being so available you don’t even have to leave your home to purchase a book.
Cooking and Baking:

Now is the time to experiment with your cooking and baking skills. Either be creative and try making something from scratch without a recipe or use a cookbook or the Internet. This is something the whole family will definitely encourage you to do. Good food. Good eats.

If you like to sew start sewing. Make a new outfit for yourself. Slipcovers for you living room furniture. Make doll clothes for your children’s dolls or finish some sewing project you once started and put off until you had the time.

Are you a painter? Do you like to paint on canvas? Or maybe now is the time to paint the walls inside your home. There are fabulous colors and combinations to choose from, it will be a hard decision as to what color to choose.

When winter comes along or you are home bound for other reasons, smile, and say, “It will be my special creative time to expand my mind.” There are many more ways to improve your mind and skills. What are your suggestions?

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read my other articles on various subjects.

Linda E. Meckler copyright 2010 updated 2018

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