Thursday, March 9, 2017

Have you asked the Doctors what they think about the Trump Insurance Plan?

I have worked in several medical offices over the last several years, and also have been a patient in several of them. I do know how a doctor’s office works. Let me ask you a question. Do you honestly believe a doctor (specialist) would accept a new patient in his office if the patient had no way to pay for any testing or a surgery? I am trying just like you to understand how this insurance is going to work.

From what I understand a person or family which requests this help must pay up front and when their taxes are completed and submitted he/she will get reimbursed $4,000 dollars. If a person sees a specialist and MRI, CT Scan, X-rays, Lab Work would more than eat up the $4,000 before any surgery is ever performed.

This insurance is supposed to be for the people who cannot afford insurance. How are they going to come up with money in advance?

The specialist will not be able to see the person with this kind of insurance or does not have any insurance (this could be included in this kind of insurance). 

What is wrong with this picture when the Republicans have suddenly without really studying how medical insurance works wants to make such a drastic change which will not help anybody.

Please for once ask the medical doctors and their billing staff what they think should be done. Everybody is entitled to medical care.

 Evidently, millions of families are on Obama Care and it is working for them. Taking this away without anything to replace it would be devastating. If Obama Care has faults why don’t you fix a program which is already up and running?

If I am wrong please comment. I would love to hear from you. We need to get the public speaking out about this before it is too late.

Linda Meckler copyrighted 2017
Author,   Fight Your Medical Insurance Nightmares!! Let me show you how.

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