Friday, March 17, 2017

Emergency Rooms Here We Come

It makes sense to me if medical insurance is going to be disbanded and it looks like it will and millions of people are out of luck what is the next step. 

I would suggest the Emergency Rooms gear up big time for the influx of thousands of patients if there isn’t any place for them to go for healthcare.

Since the people who will be losing their insurance who are people who can’t afford the high cost of the insurance where else will they go? To the Emergency Rooms. 

Most of the people running to the ER will not be able to pay for their medical care. This will put a huge hole in the hospitals income and many hospitals will have to close.
There isn’t any simple solution to this situation. Maybe, it is time to try something else. Universal Healthcare.

Take the insurance companies greed out of the health insurance game and give the control of your treatment back to the doctor’s not the insurance companies.
Linda Meckler copyright 2017

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