Sunday, January 14, 2018

Questions to ask When Moving To A Facility

Something happens when you have to change your life. This can be a number of different things.

Your health is the biggest reason for moving into a facility. When it becomes a hardship for you to do the simplest things for yourself. Things which we all take for granted. But health and age creep on all of us and some decisions have to be made.

These are some questions to ask:

What level care do I need?
What will be the cost?
Do I need a Skilled Nursing Facility or an Assisted Living Facility?
Will I have to sell my home to pay for the facility?
   What if there is a spouse living in your home. Does this spouse come with you or your spouse stay in the home or go live with relatives?
What does my Medicare cover?
What about the food. Maybe your on a special diet or can’t eat certain foods will the cook or cooks of the facility accommodate you or will I starve to death?

These are all good questions to ask and lots more but I would suggest if you are considering this question go to the facility and watch what happens from the lobby to the rooms. 


Yes, it is nice to be in a facility that has a big brand name and lots of money behind it. It is a definite plus with fabulous landscaping but are you really going to be talking to the people or companies who own the facility. No, you will be speaking on daily basis to the people who work there. Who would you be seeing and taking care of you on a daily basis. This is what you need to know. Is this person nice, efficient somebody I can live with in my life and not make upset on a daily basis?
These are some of the questions you need to ask on a daily basis.

Thank you for reading my article Linda Felberbaum Meckler copyright 2017

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