Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Re-cycle Cartons At the Check Out Stands

Re-cycle Cartons At the Check Out Stands

California now has the nation’s first statewide ban on single-use plastic bags. The restrictions apply to large food retailers, pharmacies, corner markets and liquor stores but not restaurants or department stores.
Don’t use plastic bags. Use cloth bags which we have to purchase. We have to carry around bags all the time. Yes, it is wonderful that we are not using as many plastic or paper bags as before but think about this.

          Now garbage bags need to be purchased.

If you don’t have a bag after spending money in a store you have to pay for it to cart your product away.

Plastic bags which were used for many uses in the home need to be purchased.

Where are we saving using plastic bags?

What happens to the cartons items are packaged in for any store? Why can’t the stores instead of destroying these cartons which are made from trees use these same cartons and recycle them for the consumers to use.

Some stores are doing this now. Why can’t all the stores use these carton's which could easily be reused be used by the consumer?

This would definitely have a huge impact on the recycling or waste of paper products.

What do you think?

Linda Meckler, author copyright 2017

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

When you can't cry

How do you become emotionally frozen? When all your feelings and emotions are trapped deep, down inside and act as one big pain in your body? Crying acts as a release for these emotions but when you can't cry your body cries out for release.

In some ways, it is one of the most painful thing anyone can live through. To go through your days and nights with all this pain trapped deep down inside. When a loved one dies and you can't get the emotion's out.

Of course, the emotion has to come out in some way, maybe in headaches, pain in various parts of your body or in dizziness. 

The worst part is anxiety. You feel and appear anxious and when you get nervous or stressed the anxiety becomes unbearable. It takes over your mind and body and soon you can't function.

Sleeping is a thing of the past. Your mind runs and runs, and do you really remember what you were thinking about all those hours when you should have been sleeping?

The next step is seeing a Psychiatrist and taking anxiety medication which may or may not work. The side effects, if you read the papers which come along with each prescription bottle are pages long. You can't win for losing.

What can you do when this happens to you?
  Sports where you are moving your body is good.

   Swimming is fabulous it really works your entire body including your mind.

   Water aerobics is a little different from swimming. It tones your body into a sculptured piece of Water aerobics is a little different from swimming. It tones your body into a sculptured piece of art.

  Walking by yourself or with a friend is also very therapeutic.

    Paint a room in your house. Make it colorful. You will get physical exercise and boost your self-esteem.

     Take your dog for a walk. Stop and talk to neighbors. You  might meet neighbors who have lived in your neighborhood for  years and never met before.

     Talk to a therapist.

     Join a support group.

    Paint a picture.


    Grab your camera and start shooting pictures.

    Write about it. You do not need to share it with anybody just for yourself.

    Deep breathing. It really helps calm you down.

    The object is to keep your mind and body busy so you won't think of all the pain trapped in your body. Someday something might happen out of the blue that you see or read and the water works will start.

.   Release all the emotions trapped in your body will come tumbling out. But until that happens try the above suggestions or add your own.

    Everybody has some kind of hobby or interest. Get lost in yours.

 Linda Meckler, author updated 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017

Speaking At A Funeral

When asked to speak at the funeral of a loved one or a friend, you are choked with emotion. you are not thinking straight. The funeral must go on. Where ever the service is conducted at the church or temple or at the gravesite. The gathering of family and friends with the casket or the urn in plain sight is a shock to your nervous system. You might not be able to stand up and speak while the service is conducted. But somewhere deep down out of the love for the deceased the words will flow.

If you are going to read a verse from the Bible, choose one that is close to your heart and describes your relationship with the deceased.

If you can manage to write down your thoughts and feelings you can read them and it will be the easiest way for you to be able to speak in front of a group of people.

Now you are up at the podium. You break out in a sweat. Your heart starts beating faster and faster. Everyone in the audience is straining to hear your words but you haven't uttered a sound.

Somewhere deep from inside of your body, you hear a small voice starting to speak about the person who now is no longer. Your voice gets stronger as you tell a particular story which was a special time between you and the deceased. The tears flow freely as you speak words from your heart and emotions.

You now wipe your streaming eyes and nose and walk slowly back to your seat. You suddenly feel a release. You feel you are now free to start the grieving and sometime in the future the recovery of your emotions and feelings of this precious person who is no longer among the living.

Linda E. Meckler, author copyright 2011 updated 2017

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Why is Part B Medicare Important

What is part B Medicare? It is simply the outpatient portion of your Medicare health insurance.

Medicare Part A is inpatient and for most people when you turn 65 or your targeted retirement age, it is free.

Part B is different and is the most important. Part B is for your doctor's, lab, or x-ray visits. Anything in the medical field that is an outpatient procedure. In other words, it is extremely important.

The government maintains that in order to have this medical service there is a monthly charge of approximately $100.00. This amount varies from year to year. This is a huge chunk of money when it comes to the senior citizen community whose sole financial support is their monthly social security check.

HICAP is a government program set up for senior citizens who are low income. It is calculated by the Net Income per month for a single person or for a married couple. It can be obtained by calling 1-800-434-0222. When you call this telephone number you will then give them your income and they will tell you if you qualify. They will then send you out a form to fill out to start the process.

The paperwork, of course, is numerous we are dealing with a government program. It will be well worth it if you qualify and can get the Medicare Part B picked up by this HICAP program. This will mean more money in your pocket for food and other essentials.

This HICAP program also includes Medicare Part D prescription drugs. When you call the telephone listed above, ask about lowering the cost of your prescription drugs. Take advantage of these programs while you can, they can be deleted in the blink of a keystroke.

If the HICAP program is for you, take advantage of it. If you need the help, get the help now. If you can't do this yourself get your family or a friend to help you with this.

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read all my other articles on various subjects.

Linda E. Meckler

Copyright 2011 updated 2017
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