Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Preventing Falling

When you are outside and you are walking on the sidewalk or through a store be aware of what is on the floor.

Glance down to see if there is anything on the floor you could slip on or trip over. 

If you see something on the floor and if you are capable pick it up or take with your foot and push the paper or item under something or off to the side so somebody else won’t trip or slip.

This happened to me a few years ago. I was walking fast at dusk to get back to my car and didn’t see a plastic bag on the sidewalk. I went flying off the sidewalk and into the street right under a truck. The driver had just started its engine. The truck driver thankfully, saw me and jumped out of his truck and helped me up. He said, “I saw the plastic bag on the sidewalk and almost picked it up.”

Copyright Linda Meckler 2018

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